As Promised - Agnosticism...The Lazy Man's Decision
I'm reading a book now where the main character embraces three religions. Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. His basic premise is that he wants to love God...And the more ways - The better. I have to admire it...And think it is a swell idea. But I don't know that I have the brain power to fully embrace three ways of thinking and, on top of that, to meld them together.
But it got me to thinking about atheism, agnosticism, and belief...Or faith, some might call it. Those who don't know me well probably couldn't guess which is me. But I am full on belief/faith. God exists..He does. Jesus and all that raises zillions of questions (to which I have lots of answers/theories)...But God, alone, is an absolute in my mind. He (could be She or It - doesn't really matter to me) loves me, I love him. That simple.
So athiests...At least they've put thought into their conviction. I don't, necessarily, like the thought. It is way too final for me. One chance & that's it just isn't enough for me. To have no reason in the universe at all is just too bland. Too whitebread. Too skim milk. I have great arguments against athiesm (rainbows - no reason for them...and evolutionary reason for it) and love to expound upon them. But again - At least athiests have thought about it.
Which brings me to agnostics. They've just given up. The question was just too much for them. Don't want to bother their heads with it. So they'll just wonder for the rest of their lives. Obviously they believe a LITTLE bit....or they'd call themselves athiests. So they believe..Right? If there's a doubt; there's a little belief.
I'm glad I have this one comfort in my life. This one area where I just don't question. I know I'm a good person...I love people..I love life...I pretty much love everything. And that's what it's all about, right? Just love. That's why we're here. That's what we do best. So embrace it. Laugh, love, smile, hug, cry, and tell people you love them. You'll feel SO much better - I promise.
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