A Few Connections With Rush Limbaugh
Given my bleeding heart liberal left wing tendencies, whooda thunk there'd be even one?.....Let alone a few?!
But here we go:
- Born & bred in the same home state. Albiet on different sides of the state.
- Both raised Methodist.
- Grew up listening to him doing color for local baseball. I only vaguely remember the voice.
- If he actually knew me, we wouldn't be able to stand each other.
- Vicodin.
OK - So he was addicted and I've just started on the stuff. Still with the ear (Read below. Sorry to bore you. It's hard not to think about.)...Vicodin is supposed to make the feeling of ice picks being jammed in each subside. First thought was "WooHoo - Something fun out of all this hell." And yeah, it works.
Hour One - Ooooh...My head tingles. And now my shoulders. Now, I'm ALL tingly. Likey.
Hour Two - Wow...This conference call I dreaded is actually kinda fun. I am FLYING. I'm taking it again next week at this exact same time.
Hour Two.Five - Whoooaaa.....Having trouble making words. Having trouble hearing words. Having trouble.
Hour Three - Bed...Where's the bed...Gotta have the bed.
Hours Three thru Five.Five - Flat out cold on the back didn't move once in the bed.
Hour Six - (Arm groggily swiping face.) So that was fun for a minute....But how the hell did Rush do this 24x7???
haaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha. I wondered what happened to you yesterday afternoon... good idea on the conference call. seems to me that some people i work with are already taking it!
11:27 AM
You're a little off about Rush. He was taking oxycotton which is even stronger and more addictive than Vicodon. If you're interested in getting some, grab your cleaning lady, head to a Burger King and have her buy it for you. That is what Rush did.
4:09 PM
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