Thursday, February 17, 2005

Brushes With Greatness

(Dates are approximate due to the destruction of several brain cells over the years.)

1971 - Memorial Stadium - Kansas City, MO
First off, yes, I am old enough to remember pre-Arrowhead Stadium. But anyway, Chiefs vs Jets and we're in THE first row...In folding chairs. It was during that time when Joe Willy was out with a broken leg. But Joe Willy is still there, and he is going to do a lap around the field on crutches. Which means he'll go right by us. He comes out sporting his fablous full length white some kinda fur coat, on crutches, casted leg stuck out and starts the lap. Lady in seat directly behind me starts going WILD. Joe! Joe! Joe!...Now, my dad knew a football fan when he saw one..So he kindly scooped me onto his lap and let bonkers (and I now realize very drunk) lady have my seat for Joe Willy's trip by...Within 2 feet of us.

1986 - Manhattan
T - Look, xbf J...It is that yeller guy!
J - Who?
T - That yeller guy...You know....The comedian...The one who yells.
J - Oh...You're right. Gilbert Gottfried...That is him.
T - I can't stand him. He yells too much.
J - Yeah...But he's famous...And we've now seen him.

1986 - Manhattan....Same trip
T - Look, xbf J.....Sid....Sid....Sid...Sid Someone.
J - Vicious? Sid Vicious? Where is Sid Vicious?!?!
T - Nooooooooo....The old Sid...The comedian.
J - Oh....Sid Charisse.
T - No - Sid Caesar. Sid Charisse is a skater...Or a dancer...or something.
J - Pretty sure it is Sid Charisse.
T - It is Sid Caesar. But whichever...He sucks too.
J - But he's famous.
T - And we've now seen him.

1994 - Delta Flight from Kansas City to Atlanta
Standing by...hoo hoo...I get first class. Aisle...2C. Nice gentleman takes window seat beside me. I'm a polite flier...So I smile and nod. He smiles and nods. We both get drinks. He gets out paper...I get out book.

A(nonymous) - You live in Kansas City?
T - No - Atlanta. And you?
A - Kansas City.
T & A (heehee) - Are we going for business or pleasure? Where do respective families live? How is Atlanta? We both like the weather there...Yadda.

Meal comes (again...I remember meals)...Meal goes. Nice flight. Exiting flight:

T - You have a nice time in Atlanta!
A - And you...Welcome back home. Drive safe.

How proud am I that I made it through an entire two hour flight with this man and resisted the urge to say or even acknowldge, "Tom Watson! You're Tom Watson! Tom...Can I have your autograph??? Here..On this cloth Delta napkin!!"

1996 - Another Delta Flight - Atlanta/New York
Please god....Please don't make me get on this plane. It isn't possible they're making me make my fourth day trip to New York in five days...Is it? Please don't make me get on this plane.

On plane...Middle seat. Hip looking, muscle bound guy in window seat. Hip looking, grungy dude in black in aisle. Children from hell in row behind...And mother who doesn't discipline child. Again being a polite traveler...I generally don't talk. But this trip was different. Hip looking, muscle bound guy and I hit it off...And bond over the ill behaved children. He's in security. And guy in aisle is, apparently his acquaintance. They're headed to NYC for an MTV Unplugged.

T - Huh? MTV Unplugged? What kind of security are you in???

HLMBG (see above) - Well....I'm Tori Amos's body guard. And that guy there is her guitarist. Tori is upfront with her b/f. We can't all sit in the same cabin.

So we talk...And talk...And talk...And I end up with free tickets to Tori's show the next day in Atlanta. And spend the next day with the body guard tooling around Atlanta. And a night in the Buckhead Ritz Carlton.

2004 - LaGuardia Airport
Furf - Hey..Trix...Look at the counter. That's Ty Pennington.
T - Nooo. It isn't.
Furf - It is. Trust me. His mom is a children's therapist..And we take my kid to her. I've seen pictures. I know Ty when I see him.
T - Noooo. It isn't.
Furf - Trust me..It is.

It is Ty! It is! It is! But he's so little. And so not tough looking. But he's sitting down 4 seats from me! With no one between. Shall I approach? Oh dammit...He took out his book and is buried in it. That is sign to stay away.

Boarding plane:

T - OK, Furf and two other guys with me. You must promise that if Ty sits next to you? We switch!
All Three -- You Bet, Trix!

On flight....On before Ty. Two friends in front of me...Furf behind. Ty walks down the aisle past my seat. Ok - 3 Chances gone..One left that he might sit by Furf. Look at Furf...who gives me the crossed fingers sign.

DAMMIT....He's headed for the back of the bus (plane). Sigh....

2005 - Atlanta GA - Home - Saturday Night
Phone rings.

B - Hey, it's your Bro. I'm doing a Wizard's game, and there's someone here you might know.
T - Kkkkkkkkkkkk.
B - He's kinda famous. And he's from Cali. And he knows a lot about soccer.
T - Kkkkkkkk.
B - He's one of your favorites!
T - Kkkkkkkk.
B - Still not getting it? Here....Let me have him say hi.
T - Hey T...This is Ethan - From Survivor.

ETHAN from SURVIVOR?!?!? 'Scuse me while I pee my pants...........!!!!

Care to share? How 'bout yours?


Blogger pattygal said...

GREAT post! Uh, who is Tom Watson?

10:35 AM


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