Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Ash Wednesday = Chinese New Year

Spiffin' things up a bit around here. Added some links to some cool friends and seemingly cool strangers. And put that cool counter thingy on...I'll leave it a mystery as to what I started the counter at.

I hardly ever make it home in time for the national news, but luckily today Peter Jennings let me know I risk losing my job should I blog wrecklessly. I will try to heed Peter's advice. I still need the job for now. And I shall make a point to get home to watch the national news. I love Peter. Surely he cannot be as old as he is....But he began with ABC News the year I was born.

Did you know today is both Chinese New Year and Ash Wednesday? What happens with Christians in China? Ash Wednesday is the day Lent begins. Lent lasts for six and a half weeks. During Lent you're supposed to relinquish something you really love. Problem -- Chinese New Year lasts for fifteen days. They celebrate by doing fireworks shows, eating like potbellied pigs, and ends with a Lantern Festival. One can only assume drinking is also involved. So for those fifteen days Chinese Christians are forced to still celebrate but give up something they love but can do without. Like...What? Tater Tots? Snow Angels? Rubbing your eyes when you're really, really tired? Maybe singing Prince's Darling Nikki as loud as you can in the shower. (And was she using the magazine as an instrument? Or reading material? I've always wondered.....)


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