Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Ever So Clever

At Chinese place after presented with that bowl of crunchy things that go in your soup:

T - So, these things taste like absolutely nothing. Yet, we are absolutely compelled to eat them.
B - And they're not even the good ones that look like Fritos.
T - Right - At least those are greasy. These aren't even salty like pretzels.
B - But when they plop this bowl of chipped up cardboard in front of me, all my brain says "Oh goody! Something to chew on!"


While at the "No Right Turn Without A Green Arrow":

B - OK - Screw this, I'm going through.
T - Don't worry. People do it all the time.
T - I, however, never do it.
T - Instead? I sit and look smug while feeling far superior to everyone else.
B - THAT......will get you far.



L - So I'm in a meeting today...
L - And I don't remember what we were talking about...Maybe a specific city.
L - And Flaming Gay Queen says -- "Well as my ex-wife always said..."
L - And all I can think is....EX-WIFE?!?!??!
T - HOLY SMOKES! Please tell me you just made that up!
L - If I'm lyin'? I'm dyin'!
T - So what you're telling me is....
T - That there exists on this planet...Or, at least did at one time, a female who actually let herself believe...That that might be STRAIGHT????"
L - I'm just tellin' ya what he said..................

Holy Smokes....................


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