Thursday, October 13, 2005

Chraysmas Kaysh

I don't know what got me thinking about this today. Maybe the way I pronounce "fahw-whad" (forward). Or "Maa-haam" (Mom). Or OOckay (OK). Or "Buuuuuuuullth" (both).

But yeah - I almost have that midwestern almost Minne-SODA/Wiz-caaahhhnnsan accent.

Missouri, though, is unique. Cause the further south you go? The hicker you get. We say things like "warsh". And "alunium". And "nucular". (God - How much do I hate sharing that with W?? No, I've never said it myself. But just coming out of the mouth of my stock HURTS.

My bro, and old b/f and I share a unique fondness for the sitcom that came on right after the news. At 10:30pm every night, Larry Moore announced "MAAAASHE is next!"

Which brings me to my subject line. Our minister, Bill O. Every Christmas Eve Service, he instructed us to give special props and love to those around us. Mostly our family "Give those next to you a Speay-shal Chrays-mash Kaysh". My family still gives "Speay-shal Chrays-mash Kayshes" to this day.

That's how much we love each other.


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