Doesn't Get Much Better Than This
Went home this weekend to see my girls (2 nieces). Niece, H, promised cake -- So, home I went!
Little Niece, S, is just 9 months old. We're just getting to know each other. She's the quietest but most inquisitive baby I've ever seen. One of those that if you can't hear her? - You'd better go see what she's up to. She's already heading up Nama's hardwood stairs. Over. and. Over. and. Over. and. Over............But SO cute.
Niece, H, and I just have something special. She pounced on me the moment I saw her. We headed for Sonic and Cherry LimeAdes - Our ritual.
This morning, I heard her outside my room. Asking Nama: "WHEN will she get up?" "When!?" "WHEN!?" "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!?" Finally, Nama relented and let her in. She crept into my room, peeled back the covers, slipped her mostly naked, just bathed, wet haired, good smelling body into my bed, squeezed my neck and whispered: "You're the BEST Aunt Trixie...EVER!!!"
Who can ask for more than that???
nope. nothing better.
12:44 PM
TOO TOO CUTE! I teared up!
11:00 PM
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