Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Alas - We Now Have A Date To Bid Nemo Adieu

October 27, 2005 will be the big day, folks.

I spent the day in a very special kind of work hell today. Attornies, VPs, customers? They all seem to think they're more important than me...It was beyond nerve wracking. So, I haven't quite had time to adjust to or digest how I feel about that date.

Part of me says "Way too freakin long". Part of me says "Good...Lotsa time to plan stuff".

As I told my mother tonight....I can't really decide if it is this tumor thing? Or if I might be going through menopause. (No, I'm not.) Cause never in my life have my emotions been this all over the map. Pretty much Brisbane to Boise.

So sorry, Nemo. I've never felt any particular attachment to you. You've pretty much been an uninvited interloper so far. And now your eviction date has been set. If only I could just set you on the curb?...That'd be kinda cool.


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