Sunday, August 28, 2005

Boys I Love

And I mean really love. In the "Thank God these people are in my life" way. Because they love me and they are just the "Good Guys".

Nemo has brought out the good in almost every guy (ok person - but today we are just talking about guys) in my life.

Pattygal and I were talking the other day. The fact that we have the "Good Guys" somehow validates that we're good too and picked the right ones. Good enough to be blessed with having them in our lives.

Almost too many to name...But let's start the list:

BRO - His first reaction to the discovery of Nemo was - "Yeah - I lost my camera." (Ok - there must be a parallel there somewhere.) But today on the phone when I told him it was a 12 hour surgery, the reaction was - "That's a long time, Jack! Those anesthesiologists had better get it right...Or there's one mean ass big brother coming from Kansas City to track their asses down." (Gotta love him.)

Bro-in-law - To sis. "Take whatever time you need off. Leave the girls with me. Your sister needs you."

G to Pattygal - "Hell - This is brain surgery! If they say do it on Christmas Day? Then do it on Christmas Day!"

B #1 (I have many B's in my life) - Asks when every next Dr's appt is. Asks me to call him after every one. Asks every day if I'm ok (because he knows somewhere deep down inside...I'm not). And when I have a meltdown over a stupid work thing says - "Please, don't cry. It kills me."

B #2 - Who was hesitant to talk about the wonderful news of his upcoming baby. Cause good news seemed to 'something' in light of Nemo. Trust me, B, I'd rather talk about upcoming baby. That's the good stuff!

B #3 - He and I REALLY did not hit it off at first. But now he is my math buddy and I am his grammar buddy. He IM'ed me the other day....To tell me "I'm not religious...So no praying or anything. But I'll be thinking about you and stuff."

H - Who took me to dinner right after the news. Did a good job of talking through mostly just the facts. Commended me on my good attitude. But this week told Pattygal - "I'm worried about her. She seems to be holding up so well. But how is she when she is by herself? Without her friends?"

K's Fiance S - Who said "I'd give her a big hug now, if I could through the phone."

A's husband G - Who asks how I'm feeling every time we speak. And who said I can move in after Nemo's departure, if necessary.

Work buddy R - Who just doesn't want to talk about it. Almost tears up when we do. But somehow, without asking or telling, keeps track of Dr's appts and says things like - "Good luck! Make sure you like him. It is really important you like him!"

Work buddy C - Who is one of the biggest social retards on the planet. But everytime he is walking by, stops and pats my shoulder in one of the most genuine acts of concern you've ever seen.

Pattygal's Friend Mexi-Mike - Whom I've never met. IM'ed with only a few times. Yet he is keeping up and checking in and just caring.

Then Today I Run Across This Guy Who I Might Want To Marry -
Guy Who Loves Strong Women - Long Post

These are my "Good Guys". I wouldn't give them up for anything in the world. It is a myth that there are none left. There are plenty. Just keep your eyes open for them.


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