Friday, September 09, 2005

Oh To Be Five Again

I haven't done much bathroom talk here...But rest assured, my family generates its fair share.

My niece is part boy when it comes to bathroom time. Meaning that she can spend HOURS in there. She just hangs out. Dawdles. Talks to herself. I do not get it. I'm an in and out kinda gal.

So this weekend me, mom, and niece are headed to friends house to visit. Niece decides it is time for #2...Which means she'll be in there even longer. I finally get exasperated and head up there. Open the door - Causing her to jump approximately 82 feet in the air. And say "Come ON! Aren't you done YET????"

Then I realize she is holding a wad of toilet paper about the size of a bowling ball...And say - "Niece. If you shove all that in there, you're going to stop up the toilet."

Her response is: "But Aunt TRIXIE! There is that much poop!!!"

And, indeed, my friends. There was.

I ended the dialogue here. Even though I really wanted to say: "Child. That wad of TP is bigger than your entire BUTT. Let alone the small surface area you're intending to take care of."

To be five.............


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