Thank Goodness The Human Spirit Proves Itself Now and Then
This is AMAZING to me:
Freakin' AMAZING!
This man left his two daughters on the subway platform to throw himself on top of another person having a seizure on the tracks. That is a scene from my nightmares. And the solution, even more so.
Could you do it?
Could I? I'd like to THINK so....but I'm not so sure. Maybe if it were Hannah or Sarah? But anyone else? I cannot say it with a great amount of surety.
Applause to you Wesley Autrey. More than applause. A full on on my knees with my hands splayed before me worship of you.You're a better specimin of human life than I. And if I'm really good, I'll try for 3 minutes to be just like you tomorrow.
did you hear what he got? $10K, a medal, a trip to disneyworld, some other stuff... so deserved!
6:57 PM
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