Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Body Art

Yes - I have some. And, no, I cannot explain the allure to you.

I have four piercings...3 of which you can see. Of course the first two were the obligatory ears at around 13. No big deal...Your usual needle gun, healing time, twisting the studs, healed in no time.

Next was the 2nd left ear piercing. Thought I'd get both done twice, but craaaaaaaaaap....That hurt way worse than I expected...So we'll stick with one.

Maaaaaaany years later came the tummy. I'd lost several pounds and thought I deserved an award. Some how, a needle jammed through my navel and a piece of metal inserted was that reward. It has something to do with the physicality of losing weight. And that I wanted a physical symbol to preserve it. And, I guess, one that would keep me from getting completely fat again. A fat, pierced tummy is not a cute, pierced tummy.

The actual act itself was hell....Worthy of its very own story. And goodness, my friends must have gotten completely sick of this one...Cause it took OVER 18 months to heal. The nursing, the fussing, the babying. First a ring...But we had to change that to a barbell because I am a tummy sleeper which pushed the ring to one side. The Bactine, the salt soaks, the lowrise jeans...OY. But we're healed now with only a small scar remaining...And I have to say - I love it. It is part of me.

So I'm ready for the next. And have been for a while. I'm thinking lower back tattoo and I want it in the shape of an infinity sign. Plain, simple black. No fancy squiggles or colors. Maybe it is a symbol of youth and life going on forever.

Look at me and I am the complete stereotype of a corporate worker. Vanilla. Nothing different.

So maybe that is the allure. Just a little secret to myself (and those who, perchance, may see me naked....exposed) that I really am me....And different...And unique. Or so I tell myself......


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