Monday, March 27, 2006

Is This What Has Become Of It?

Went to dinner at a local pizza joint this evening. On the way to the loo, passed a table full of Girl Scouts. Long table. 8 girls (ages 8-10 I'd say) all decked out in their uniforms. Two mothers at one end of the table. And one male (father-ish looking, but can't be sure) at the other end.

As I pass, I hear the man talking to the group about "insurance" and "property tax".

Is this REALLY what Girl Scouts has become?? Badges in my day were something like "fire making" and "needle point". Now? Looks like we've moved on to "investment banking" and "smart real estate".

Please tell me I was just passing a Dad with a really bad idea of what entertains children.

Is there no such thing as childhood anymore?


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