I Did Something Nice Today...
....Just because I could.
I work with 3 people on a day-to-day basis that support me to a point that I could not perform my job without them. Each of them are remote to my headquarters location, so I've worked very hard at building good, long distance relationships with each of them. Just recently one gave me the happy news that she is pregnant. She is also turning 41 today....And I could sense more than a little "I'm old AND pregnant" in her voice yesterday.
I've learned a few things since Nemo. One is - Go to Honolulu for the weekend (yes - I said weekend)......just because you can. And the second one is - Do nice things for people.....just because you can.
Hence - The 1800Flowers Happy Birthday wish to my pregnant co-worker with wishes of "You're one of my favorite people. You make me smile, and for that you deserve a good day. And you make the world a better place". My thoughts were - "She's so far away that she never gets ANY work gestures like this. She's feeling pregnant and old. And it might just make that tough New Yorker smile. Worth every penny!"
And guess what? She called in tears because "I live so far away, I never get these kind of work gestures" (Cha-ching.) "I'm feeling fat and old" (Cha-ching) "What you wrote was so sweet....It made me cry" (BIG cha-ching).
And ya know what? All that makes me say "YAY!"
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