Thursday, December 30, 2004

Animals & the Tsunami

I read today that in Sri Lanka, they've found not a single wild animal carcas. Now granted, elephants and buffalo are probably not hanging out at the beach on a regular basis. But to not have found any?? That is Mother Nature at work. Those animals must have felt it coming and headed to higher ground. Which begs the question...Sure, they 'felt it coming'. But how did they know what to do?? How did they know higher ground was better? And how did they know where and what higher ground was?

Which begs the next question...Why do we humans not 'feel' anymore? We're animal as well, right? Surely, if we had paid attention, we would have known to go to higher ground too.

And the next question...Do humans know what higher ground is? Do we know where is that inner safe place to just go when emotional and psychic tsunamis are headed our way? If we knew, wouldn't our therapist bills be much lower?

I think we do not pay enough heed to our inner elephants and buffalos. If you stop and think, you can pinpoint that higher ground is with your family, in your garden, on a run, or maybe just at Borders being quite. Do you go there enough? Do you make sure you're there when the tsunamis are headed inland? I think if we do, we might be safe like the Sri Lankan elephants.

Know your own higher ground and know when to go there.


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