Thursday, May 19, 2005

My Good Friend's Wedding

Ok - So I have a crush on Tennis Pro, Frank. Cannot help it. He's CUTE. And he has a radio broadcaster's voice. And he reminds me of Bobuck. And I signed up for my second round of tennis lessons so I can Jones on him more. (And to get better at tennis.)

Trix: HEY! i just had a great thought!!
k: yeah? what?
Trix: frank can go to your wedding with me!!!
k: Great idea
Trix: all 3 of us will be best buuuuuuuuds by then
Trix: we'll be hanging oooooooooooouut by then
Trix: he'll be asking you when it iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissss
Trix: he'll be asking you the plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaans
k: I am laughing out loud literally. it could work :-) fun
Trix: I'll have on the obligatory little black dress. With hair up. He'll be ina tux........And i'll JUMP him in the hotel room!!! POUNCE
k: good thinkin' lincoln'
Trix: hee -- i crack me up. we'll do the chicken dance together
ksing1974: ok - now i am really laughing out loud again. silly me. u r fun. ya never know
Trix: you know i am singing the chicken dance in my head....right??? clapclapclapclap!
k: the bonding over our being rock star tennis players could lead to this...he'll be coaching us all through oct
Trix: oct is a freakin LONG TIME TO WAIT! i may need some before then
k: lol. well u can take him for a test drive
Trix: several! i've already studied the hands...................
k: u r bad
Trix: i am GOOD
Trix: frank either bites his nails or cuts them way short. but they are nice, average sized hands....fingers a little bit longer than usual

You know what they say. "Big hands?....Big gloves."


Blogger pattygal said...

did you know that the chicken dance song is actually the German National Anthem? I'm thinking they may not play it at a Jewish wedding... but I defer to K for clarification. You'll have to rearrange your fantasy to have you dancing the electric slide side-by-side.

1:07 PM


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