Monday, April 17, 2006

Random Stuff

- Saw a guy at dinner (pizza - Blue Moon - the best in the city) tonight. And he was shaking, shaking, shaking the red pepper dispenser. I swear, it must have gone on for a minute straight. And all I could think was: "Dude - That is supposed to make it taste better???" And: "Your butt is going to be on FIRE in the morning."

- I was gratified to discover I am not THE biggest procrastinator on the planet today. When I went to get the Change Of Address Form at the post office? There were actually people doing their taxes IN the post office. Redefines procrastinate.

- The atrocities of the clothing I tossed out today would astound you. Flannel shirts...Flannel? Why did I ever own flannel? Bikinis from 10 years ago, amazingly faded and with lint balls on the ass. Bras I have no idea how the girls ever fit into. 82 bazillion socks...And I HATE socks. Probably 10 pairs of Daisy Dukes. I'm pretty sure Daisy Dukes weren't even cool when Daisy Dukes were cool. A Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble oddly tie-dyed shirt that I have no memory of obtaining, yet felt strangely sacreligious giving to charity.

- I found out today I can leave any extra junk in my apartment when I move, since they're tearing it down anyway. That brings the Valium inducing levels of stress down to somewhere closer to Advil.

- I truly live in the South. I heard a McDonald's ad today touting ONLY their sweet tea. (Pronounced "Swaaaaaaaaaa[te][barely audible] Taaaaaaaaaaaaaay" - all long As and almost just one syllable.) Made with real tea and sugary syrup - Not Sweet-N-Low or packets of sugar into your drink. Is this REALLY a selling point? 13 years into this Southern thing and I'm still repelled when I accidentally take that big swing of sweet stuff. Pffffffffft!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I claim we can replace the Mason Dixon line with the Swate Tay line.

Just do a dot to dot thing with the northern most restaurants that automatically (offering it as an option doesn't qualify) give you Swate Tay if you don't specify what you want.

I don't like Kool Aid anymore. Nor do I want Swate Tay foisted upon me unknowingly. So whenever I get close to the line I remember to specify "Real Tea please!!".

Here's hoping for good moving kharma.

Being able to leave junk behind is a big help, ehh???

12:04 AM

Blogger Trixie said...

But, Bro, do you want that SRV t-Shirt? I have NO IDEA (honestly - I've scoured my memory) where it came from. But it is an XLG. Way too big for me. Probably too big for you. I just don't feel right tossing it out. I mean SRV? He's DEAD for Pete's Sake. And an icon. You don't throw that stuff away, do you? I need to keep that just because? Right???????

12:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, I don't think I need the SRV shirt.

Wash it, take a digital photo of it and put it on ebay with some he's dead, legendary blues guitarman, one of a kind (really) item for the biggest SRV fans out there.

I wouldn't send it to Goodwill I don't think. Would you give away a vintage Buddy Holly or John Lennon T-Shirt???

11:22 PM

Blogger pattygal said...


I have a vague memory of owning or maybe just wearing an oddly tie-died SRV shirt.

Did I borrow it from you at some point? or is the more frightening answer that it could possibly be mine?

4:03 PM

Blogger NeverEnough said...

Next time you go to Blue Moon let me know - I'm in...

1:28 PM


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