He Deserves It
I've never given my brother-in-law credit. We have some tension between us. Had a lot at the beginning. Over the years, I think we've earned a lot of mutual respect, and learned how to deal with each other, and learned that our brains connect, and learn that there is more than verbal communication.
I think he thought our family was 'the elite'. And 'rich'. He was soooo far from the truth. We just barely squeeked up on middle class. We were lucky to live in the subdivision we did, in the school district we did, amongst the peers we did, in the church we did...Basically, we were lucky. He wasn't as much.
I'm pretty sure there were trailers. And no jobs. And way more squeeking to get by than we did. And parents who cared a lot less. Not saying he had nothing. But we had more - Thank God.
But this guy has pulled himself out of the trenches. He really has. He is a commercial loan officer at a major branch of a major bank. He wears suits to work every day my friend...Can't say many of the rest of us can say that.
And he takes good care of my sister.
And he takes great care of my nieces.
Tonight they were at gym and swim at the Y.
My main point is. I called tonight to find out when we're celebrating niece, H's, "pretend birthday". We're doing that the 23rd. The 24th H is heading down to spend a week with said grandparents in trailers above. That tells you the improvement. And the improvement is mainly due to him. He now controls their finances. Pays the rent. Etc. So his kid can spend time with his mom. Doesn't suck? Yeah?
I could ask for much worse relatives. Yeah - I love him.
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