Friday, April 21, 2006

I'm Sooooooooooo Tired

I haven't slept a wink. (Ok - a few winks.) I'm sooo tired, my mind is on the blink. (On the fritz..Not the blink.)

I wish that I could go upstairs and mix myself a drink. (I'm ok - I have my glass of wine.)

So - The move is over. My stuff is IN my new place. That is about it. In and in complete disarray.Kitchen stuff in bathroom, living room stuff in bedroom, just everything everywhere.

No phone. No high speed. No cable. ONE fuzzy channel on TV which I got to watch the Miss USA Pageant on. You can imagine how much enjoyment I got out of that.

Thanks to "Katie", whoever that is, who didn't secure her wireless connection. (The reason I'm here.)

It is pouring. Hope that calls for a good night's sleep.

Amongst last night's dreams was B telling (and convincing) people in her dinky hometown that she was Hillary Duff. Nevermind that she's about 30 years older and has no resemblance whatsoever. That's what dreams are for.


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