Thursday, August 04, 2005

I Think It Is Still Sinking In

I found out I have a brain tumor today. First off -- NO C WORD. So anyone reading who knows me and doesn't know yet? You can breathe again.

But, yeah, brain tumor. BRAIN TUMOR. Brain Tumor. BRAIN tumor. brain TUmor. brain tuMOR. BRAin TUmor. However you slice it...That's it.

It is in my ear canal. So I'm really choosing to call it an ear tumor. And we're going to name it. "Spot" is the name we're choosing for now. Please remit any choices for names & we'll vote.

I'll be fine. It just has to be removed. There's a 50/50 shot I'll keep what hearing I have. That really isn't so bad...Cause I don't hear a lot out of that ear anyway.

Us girls went out for drinks to celebrate. We figure you get free cake for birthdays....So you must get SOMETHING for a brain tumor. I'm milking it for now. "What? I didn't hear you. I have a BRAIN TUMOR!" "Waitress? I think I need another drink. I have a BRAIN TUMOR!" "Trix fell again when she was drinking?" Well YEAH -- I have a BRAIN TUMOR! "Where are my keys? Of course I don't remember....I have a BRAIN TUMOR!"

Ok - So my therapist calls me the "queen of denial". And that is, obviously, what is going on here.

But as my mother said "What am I going to do? Melt into a puddle? That won't help anything."

So on we go.

As Dory in Finding Nemo says: "Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...What do we do we swim, swim, swim...."

I think I'm swimmin', my friends. Swimming, swimming, swimming............


Blogger pattygal said...

To quote Coral... "I like Nemo." Can we name it Nemo? He has a lucky fin... you have a lucky BRAIN TUMOR!

Don't worry about denial, my friend. It works for us. Besides... what are we gonna do? Melt into puddles? That won't help anything.

No denial there. Just wisdom. And Love.

9:54 AM


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