Did I Really Just See That???
So even after this post, I'm STILL going to insist I am NOT a crazy cat person. I will admit to being a huge animal lover...But not strictly cats. I'd have a dog if my lifestyle permitted. But right now, the lifestyle works with a little being who doesn't demand too much attention, feeds and waters herself for as long as a week at a time as long as I give her enough of both, and does her business in a litter box that she isn't even picky about the poo/pee freeness of. If you can make a dog do all that?....Sign me up.
So I'm sitting on my bed tonight reading a chapter of my latest book....And she is sitting in my suitcase looking out the window at birds. It is dusk and the only lights I have on are in the bathroom. (VERY bright...Just enough to read by til the sun goes down. Yes - I know...I'll go blind.) So I glance over at her and see her from behind...Back and back of head. And all around the perimeter of her body is about an inch of whitish purplish glow like it is coming from a neon light. Musta been because I was reading my book. Shut my eyes...Look again.....Still the glow. That light musta really screwed with my eyes. Shut my eyes a long time....Look again....Still the glow. Shut my eyes longer...Rub them....Look again.....Still the glow. And I continue to look....And it is still there. She turns around and gives me a very bored look...And looks out at the birds again......Still the glow.
I can see her shadow on the wall...So I know that isn't it. And it isn't just glowing on the white fur, but on the orange and black too....So that isn't it either. And I'm also fairly certain her eyes do not produce a neon glow that shoots out around her.
See? I'm a rational person here...I'm looking for every reason for it NOT to be.
Yet - OK - I'm convinced. I just saw my cat's aura.
My first thought is: "I can't tell anyone this....They'll think I'm a nut. And a crazy cat nut at that."
But then I think some more and it starts to make sense:
- I think beings can only show their aura if they don't know/care that they might have one or if they truly believe they might. For example, friends B and B would SCOFF at the thought of auras...So I could never see theirs. Maggie obviously doesn't know anything exists beyond eat, sleep, poo/pee, me, birds...So, hers can easily be shown.
- Of course, the viewer has to believe they might exist.
- You truly have to be connected to the shower to see it. And she is the being that I see and interact with the most out of every day. Even when we don't like each other all that much, we're connected. As my brother says - I'm just her person....Nothing weird about it...I just am.
- I think the body showing the aura has to truly be at rest and at peace. And since three of Mags favorite things are sitting on my suitcase, watching birds, and being bored...She was at rest and peace. No pesky visitors, or service men, or bugs, or brushings to ruin her serenity - So the aura is out.
So next? I am going to start practicing on humans. I won't try friends B&B mentioned above. I'm pretty sure I could see Pattygal's if neither of us had anything clouding our heads. (And believe me that THAT is a rare occurance.) I might be able to see Furf's if he is more of the don't-give-a-shit than scoffing variety.
I'm visiting my family in a week....So I'll try it out on my nieces. Surely the 6 month old will be up for showing hers. And as you all know...I'm more connected to 1st niece, H, than almost anyone...So hers should be viewable as well. Gonna try Mom & Sis too.
Now I'm off to see what a whitish purplish aura might mean. I'll keep ya'll updated.
Have another drink!!! LOL We'll discuss this sometime
2:28 AM
That's cool. Of coure it was her aura. I could see them when I was a kid... supposedly kids can always see them but when we get older we forget how. In fact arent you the one who describes colors as shapes? I used to decribe people as colors and my mom didn't know what i was talking about... until she started studying auras!
2:48 PM
You're crazy. Officially. Next you'll tell us about a dog with stigmata. Obviously our employer is sending you over the edge.
3:15 PM
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