5 Questions
I haven't been feeling particularly bloggy as of late...But I promised Pattygal I'd answer my 5 Questions. So here's my stab:
1. Describe the most irresponsible but simultaneously FUN thing you have ever done.
This is the one that really had me stumped. I have plenty of answers. Scads of answers. But most involve something somewhat illegal. And since I've already shared that I burned a CD on here....AND I got busted for it....No more sharing illegal stuff.
So - I came up with something terribly irresponsible for a 40ish aunt to teach her niece. But it WAS fun. And I HAD to do it....Because she doesn't have a brother. And my own brother has failed to teach her. So yeah --- I taught my 4 year old niece how to spit. Off the 2nd story balcony in their cute little downtown. I did double reinforce that you cannot actually spit ON people. Just near. (God, please don't let my sister find this.)
2. Jesus, Randy Quiad and Stella McCartney are sitting in a bar.... finish the joke.
Stella - I'm so sick of it being all about my dad the Beatle or my mom the famous photographer/vegetarian/animal lover/cancer sufferer. When is it going to be about me? The brilliant designer who hangs with people like Kate Moss and Madonna?!
Randy - You? How about me? All I hear about is how dreamy my brother, Dennis, is and when is his next movie coming out. Meanwhile, I continue to get two bit character roles as the homely but necessary-to-fill-in-a-blank-in-the-movie side kick. I hit my zenith in Christmas Vacation.
Jesus - You guys are both pathetic. All I hear about all day every day is "Your dad, your dad, your dad." My God!
3. Name your top five favorite movies of all time.
(In no particular order:)
Field of Dreams
The Big Chill
To Kill a Mockingbird
Garden State
And I also need to squeeze in American Beauty
(I admit those first two aren't even that good. I'm just stuck on them. Watch them over and over.)
4. If you could upgrade one material possesion that you currently own, what would it be and why?
I think my stereo....But it is imperative it fit in my armoire, as that is one of my very few favorite material possessions. The cd player was holding out..But now it has started skipping. So, I'd do the whole nine yards. (Thought I was gonna say car....Didn't ya, Pattygal? Music is more central to my life than transportation.)
5. If you had to give up one of these things for the rest of your life, which would it be and why? a. Sex (including masturbation) b. laughter c. alcohol d. ability to write
a. Sex (including masturbation) -- Um.....SO not happening.
b. Laughter -- Not even sure I could physically pull this off.
c. Alcohol -- Not unless they tell me it is a medical necessity.
d. Ability to write -- I am being my very literal self here, and deciding this means to take an actual writing implement in hand and put it to paper to make visual communication. I have TERRIBLE penmanship. So - EASY! And, I could still type.
6. Describe a day in your life you'd like to re-live and explain why.
This makes me sad. (Not enough to cry, Pattygal.) I was looking for a 'what was a day that was so good I have to do it again' type thing. Instead, I found a 'man, I did that day totally wrong and I want a do-over' type thing.
It is the day after my 2nd niece, S, was born. I had had a long time off from work because of the Christmas holiday and it was the 4th of January. Had what I thought at the time was pressing work stuff. So - I spent most of her 2nd day of life in a hospital waiting room on the phone with my customer and various coworkers. (Guess what? Six months later & we're still dicking around with the same stupid issues.) Then, because of an impending ice storm that night, I had to rush to the airport and home to avoid being stuck for days. All this instead of snuggling my cute, red-headed, brand new niece. I WANT A DO-OVER.
The Official Interview Game Rules
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will bedifferent.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Loved reading this...go ahead and interview me, but it may take me a while to respond. Sorry to hear about your do over day with S - I'm sure you'll get a lot of quality time on your next visit. Love the teaching H to spit thing - as aunts it is our duty to teach kids things parents would never dream of teaching them! I thought the car would be it - but I get the whole music thing. Sorry - random thoughts - chat more in person about it!
2:24 AM
OH a few more comments - - great job on the joke! I say American Beauty over rules some of your other selections..lol
2:25 AM
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