I'll Give You Everything I've Got For A Little Peace Of Mind
So you know I idolize my mother. What you don't know is that she has a super hot line to God. Just ask and you'll be put on the TMSHLTG List. (Trixie's Mom's Super Hot Line To God.) I'm telling you...It is effective. We're not sure of the power...But it WORKS. The little munchkin has some special in.
So today I was adding my most special friend to the list. She's in need. More specifically, her mom is. And Mom and I stumbled on the topic of "happiness". We decided it is really not about being "happy". It is about being "at peace".
I wake up every day knowing I did my best yesterday...And while it may not have worked out just right? I'm going to do my best again today. And...Again tomorrow. I know that what is ahead of me is good and better. I try hard not to think about what I don't have...Or what I didn't get...Or what ails me...Or what hurts or didn't work. Call me PollyAnna. But life just works better this way. Looking forward is always better than looking back.
Then, I began to think about those who don't wake up that way. So, what occurs to you first thing? My back hurts? I'm depressed? Good lord, I have to shower again? Please don't let me run into that perky cashier at the grocery? Yesterday sucked. That guy at the gas station was an ass munch?
Do those 'unhappy' people always look back? Is it always a game of catch up for them? And do they realize you never, ever catch up?
Life is always about future. What's out there is going to be better than what we just had. That's what the next season, and new babies, and spring buds, and puppies are all about. What is to come. What is next. What is going to be.
Friend - You're on the TMSHLTG List. Trust me you are there first and foremost. But remember -- YOU have got peace of mind. YOU see the future. (Yeah - Literally.) You've given that gift to your family and everyone around you. Your daughter shines with it. THAT is the difference, my friend. And THAT is what will get you through all this.
This is to you. I love you more than anything. If this helps you through one minute...Then it was worth it. AML...Trix.
funny, i was sent a song this morning. don't stop thinking about tomorrow, don't stop. it will soon be here... better than before... yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone...
12:15 PM
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