These Wacky Search Terms
I've finally posted on enough various topics, that I'm getting some really interesting searches. As such, I've become obsessed as to just what searches end up at me.
The most frequent involve asses and panties. Generally combined. That one I understand....From my Vegas post.
Number two in terms of frequency is nipples. Who knew a Barbie Doll post could bring such traffic?
A lot of "A Day In The Life Of....."s. Everything from ".....Stella McCartney" to ".....A Sex Addict." Kind of wondering how that I got that last one. But my title makes both understandable.
I KNEW the Labia post would do the trick. But gaping labia? Does anyone really want them gaping??
Several disgusting ones. Think I threw up in my throat a little at the "aunt niece sex" one. Just proof that the most disgusting thing you can possibly think up is a real life turn on for someone. UGH!
I think my favorite search yet is for "little peepees". It reminds me of a Talking Heads song about babies. But this one frankly befuddles me. Not that me talking about little peepees at some point (ok - lots of points) in my life is all that surprising. But I'm fairly certain I haven't posted anything here about it. I haven't run across that many little peepees in my life. Certainly, none worth posting about. Now big peepee posts? I've got a couple of those I could crank out....Just haven't chosen to do so. (Those of you most interested in those stories probably already know them.) I searched Yahoo for it...And waded through several pages of results. Didn't come across me.
Anyone got a better memory than me? If so, fill me in on what I've been telling ya'll about little peepees. I'd be interested to know.
not that it would even remotely be necessary... but can sophie have maggie?
remember to write down all the questions about driving, hair, how long out from work (even if they seem silly - you have the right to know) to ask the doctor on your next appt. It is easy to forget them when in the bright lights and chilly office environment.
2:13 PM
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