Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ain't No Fun Bein' A BeeYotch

I don't think it was meant like it was said. But it was said.

It smacked like an arm cocked all the way back and launched into my cheek like a slingshot.

I'm still stinging from it. And not sure how to interact/react with that person.

I didn't deserve it and would never dream of delivering it.

I understand that it was a product of stress and no sleep and overwork. But I'm not letting that be an excuse.

I got an apology - raft with ButButButButBut. Which made it not feel like an apology.

I hope it can be mended. This person means a lot to me.

I'll be very dissapointed if it ends with BeeYotch. (Wish it had been in that joking manner....)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Movie Reviews

Baaad Movie To Watch At The Theater On Friday Night For $8.50:

Talladega Nights - Even Will Ferrell couldn't make it funny. Made me want to hurl.

Gooooood Movie To Watch At Home On A Friday Night For Free:

Rudy - I wanted to pinch Sean Astin's cheeks. Made me want to cry (again - and I did).

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Just Feeling Like Pffffffffffft!

Been very out of whack lately. Have just recently have gotten my head around it a tiny bit.

I need stability in my life. And smart people who contribute to my well being. And my family as close by as they can be.

The applecart is a bit upset.

Friend, F, at work and I have been spatting. Not sure if it is a power struggle, or some other weird interpersonal thing. But it isn't good. And I don't like it changing.

Pattygal is moving to/from Dallas/Seattle. We haven't been communicating much. But I've been knowing she's there and she's been knowing I'm here. But I don't like it changing. (I did get to catch up with her tonight. We still share our strange neuroses. Thank goodness. A little sameness to balance out the changing.)

Lost a really good work benefit. Used to be able to fly home whenever I wanted. Now? I'm buying like the normal Joe. Which is ok -- Except that I've never been a Normal Joe. Now when Niece says "Can you come home to see X movie with me this weekend?" Instead of - "I'm on the next flight!" I have to say "I'll see you at Thanksgiving." FOUR MONTHS FROM NOW. And then I go bury myself in a pint of Cherry Garcia.

Things are just different. I like adventure and new things and change and motivation. But on the BIG THINGS? SAME PLEASE!!!