Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Because I work in the industry, I was surfing and comparing travel sites. Ended up on Cheaptickets (I'm not going to link you to them...just cause). I looked for New York to Fort Lauderdale, and got that back with a connection through Atlanta. A note under the offering says:

*This flight starts and ends at different airports.

Well thank God for THAT reassuring piece of information! Otherwise? I'd never get anywhere.

Monday, September 26, 2005

And You Bastards...?

Who feel the need to spam my comments within 1 minute of a new posting?

May you all get a venereal disease involving pus, an urinary tract infection so bad you pee blood, and a stye in your eye that hurts every time you blink and makes you embarassed to be in the general public -- All at the same time!!

These People Have Thought Of EVERYTHING!!

I mentioned a while back that friend, K, is getting married. I am sort of a participant - An "attendant". That means I'll do some stuff like hand out programs. But I don't have to wear "the dress". I'll get introduced as part of the bridal party...Meaning spotlight will be on me for three quarters of a second. But that is enough for me to decide I need an extra special non-dress dress for the occassion.

I found said dress Saturday. And it is FABULOUS. I knew it would have to be something that would knock me on my ass into the adjacent rack of clothes - And it did. It is one of your basic "little black dresses". Knee-length, spaghetti strapped, heavy black cotton crochet, with little bunches of about 5 black beads interspersed here and there. Just conventional enough to be corporate Trixie, and just different enough to be the real Trixie who is dying to jump out.

And THE MOST FABULOUS thing??? I can go BRALESS in it! Folks, that doesn't happen in my world! The girls have not been out in public braless, since I went for that walk when I was twelve in my school t-shirt and my mom told me it was "time". (Yes - 12.) But this dress has some built in bra-type-thingy. And it fits just peeeeeeeerfect. So just tight enough to hold the girls in place, but not TOO tight.

Which brings us to the point of our story (yes - finally). It is heavy crochet. And it sits very perfectly on every curve of my body. It also sits on every bulge.

A year ago about now, I was the thinnest of Trixie's world thin (TOTWT). A few (no - not all) of those LBs have come back. Even when I was TOTWT, I had discovered and wore these amazing inventions called Spanx. They are totally, freakin amazing. They're like super-duper control top panty hose that stop mid-thigh. Right where you need them to stop. They hide every little flaw, bump, bulge, ripple, cottage-cheese. You get it. So you'd think they'd feel as if you'd been shoved inside a sausage casing that was 7 sizes too small. But they DO NOT. They're AMAZINGLY comfortable. And they make your ass look like you could bounce a quarter off it. (Yes, this is a glowing endorsement. No, I am receiving no royalties. Although, I should.)

Up til now, I'd done the basic, garden variety Power Panties. These worked fine before. Started at the waist and went to mid-thigh. Everything was properly squished and contained. But I started worrying, with these few new LBs...Would all that stuff just get pushed up from thigh, ass and tummy -- And then spill over in one disgusting waist roll? Ruining my lovely, form fitting, fabu little black dress??

Introducing, my friends,Higher Power - High Waisted Power Panties. These things come all the way up, ending just under the boobs. And no, it doesn't all just end up in the cleavage. Somehow, It just all squishes. Again - FABULOUS.

I wrestled into my super-squishers tonight. An experiment meant to take another look at the dress and to take some photos to send to Pattygal. To see if she can detect rolls, help with shoes, and advise on the cleavage acceptability scale.

The self photos didn't work at all. But - Feeling rather satisfied with the lack of rolls and dimples, sweating a bit from the wrestling match donning the super panties, and just being beat for the day - I hang up new fabu dress, and attempted to get out of super panties.

In the offing, I notice. "HOLY SHIT. Have I gotten SO fat that I busted right through the crotch seam of super panties????" Oooooooooooooooooooohh! NO! Look at THAT! I had not yet had the "how the hell am I gonna pee in these things" thought. But obviously someone did! Yep, kids! A built in pee panel! Kind of works like boys underwear works. A crotchal opening that you kind of have to pry open and then do the job. I'm not quiiiiiiiiiite sure how this is gonna work, and we may have to have a few practice runs. I don't think it'll turn out quite as disastrous as the attempt to '"pee like a boy" when I was 6...But, without practice, I'm envisioning similar results. Put a few drinks in me and the outcome should be spectacular. But it has GOT to be better than hoisting those things up and down everytime the urge hits me. Oh - And yes...The packaging told me: "Cotton double gusset (crotch) opens to make life easer when Mother Nature calls".

Who knew??

And we thought Extreme Bra Shopping was good. Pfffffffffffft!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

And This Is One Of Those Days.....

There are days where you just shouldn't get out of bed. Where it would be better to just cover your head, hunker in, and make a day of hibernation. Today was that day.

But instead, I got up and lived it. And - It SUCKED BUTT. Everything about it sucked butt.

Everyone I talked to made me mad. Even my normally convivial friends were pissheads. (OK - Not all. Pattygal doesn't count.B didn't piss me off either.) It was just a "piss ass fucked up don't re-live this day" day.

One friend I'll never tell. And he pissed me off the most. Cause he assumes he can just change the dial, stop the deoderant, up the thermostat...And I won't notice. Guess what? I DID. And? It PISSED ME OFF. So there. The non-confrontational, no decision making, peace keeper Libra is PISSED. PISSED I SAY.

(But will I ever tell him? No. That might cause a confrontation.)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Call It A Day

I've not been feeling particularly bloggy as of late...But I've just run across something that is just too fabulous to not share!

Take a look:


A few of my favorites so far:

Christy the Snowman
Not a Toilet
Marshmallow JC
King of Bling

I could go on forever. The rest of my day is now booked folks.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

This Thing Called Prayer

On a questionnaire, I'd classify myself as "spiritual but not religious". If asked to specify a religion, it would be "liberal Protestant". When taking tests on, I end up Reform Judiasm or Unitarian. So, I'm pretty much all over the board.

The Church Of Trixie - That's what I espouse.

But events of late have me wondering:

  • Friend, B, asks me if I want to be added to the work prayer list. Sure - Why not? - Can't hurt.
  • Few weeks later, receive a "Good Wishes" card from a work guy I barely know. I think he parks on my parking garage level. And we occasionally smile "good morning". But that's our interaction. Yet I get a card from his family and promises for prayers.
  • Cousin, M, has added me to his church prayer list.
  • Other friend, B, has added me to his church prayer list.
  • Other friend, B, has had friend, C, add me to her prayer list.
  • Mom's minister is going on a retreat and taking a speacial prayer list. I'm on it.
  • Family friend, L, who is the son-in-law of I, both whom I LOVE LOVE LOVE - has me on his prayer list.
  • Bro-in-law has me on his Bible Study prayer list.
  • And finally, and most extrordinarily - Ex-boyfriend, Scott Fitzgerald's (I dare ya to try and Google that one) wife stopped my mother in church to ask if that was "Trixie your daughter" on in the church bulletin prayer list. When told yes, wife and Scott said, tell her we're sending our prayers.

This praying thing is amazing. I'll admit - I do it. I never know if I'm doing it right or if it will work. But I don't really care. I figure talking to the Big Man, whether or not there is, indeed, a Big Man, can't be a bad thing.

Kind of like throwing pennies in a fountain. Not at all sure it works. Have no empirical evidence to tell me it does. But I am sure as shit throwing in a penny and making a wish every time I pass a fountain.

So please keep up with those prayers, pennies in fountains, salt over shoulders, no black cats, garlic around your neck, upside down horseshoes, rabbit's feet. Sure, I'll take it all. But I have to say - I do believe in the prayer thing more than anything. (Please, please God, let it work.)

Friday, September 09, 2005

Music To Touch One's Soul

I don't know if you've noticed that I've not said a word about Katrina. I just can't find the words or thoughts to put in writing. It saddens me beyond belief. For that dear city I love so much, and all those who call it home. The grief is just beyond imagination.

I've waited for almost two weeks for something to hit me. For something to touch that place that needs it. I should have known it would come through music. Those of you who know me will get that.

So to Randy Newman, Mary J Blige, Aaron Neville, Paul Simon, Bono, Neil Young, Dr John and all the others - Thank you for touching my soul right in that spot. I hope it touched the rest of you and echoed: "GIVE". For that is all we can do.

"When God Made Me" - Neil Young

Was he thinkin' about my country
Or the color of my skin?
Was he thinkin' 'bout my religion
And the way I worshipped him?
Did he create just me in his image
Or every living thing?

When God made me
When God made me

Was he planning only for believers
Or for those who just have faith?
Did he envision all the wars
That were fought in his name?
Did he say there was only one way
To be close to him?

When God made me
When God made me

Did he give me the gift of love
To say who I could choose?

When God made me
When God made me
When God made me
When God made me

Did he give me the gift of voice
So some could silence me?
Did he give me the gift of vision
Not knowing what I might see?
Did he give me the gift of compassion
To help my fellow man?

When God made me
When God made me
When God made me
When God made me

So God - This prayer I'll give up to any eye that might read this: Please smile warmly on every single being effected by Katrina. They sure need it.

Oh To Be Five Again

I haven't done much bathroom talk here...But rest assured, my family generates its fair share.

My niece is part boy when it comes to bathroom time. Meaning that she can spend HOURS in there. She just hangs out. Dawdles. Talks to herself. I do not get it. I'm an in and out kinda gal.

So this weekend me, mom, and niece are headed to friends house to visit. Niece decides it is time for #2...Which means she'll be in there even longer. I finally get exasperated and head up there. Open the door - Causing her to jump approximately 82 feet in the air. And say "Come ON! Aren't you done YET????"

Then I realize she is holding a wad of toilet paper about the size of a bowling ball...And say - "Niece. If you shove all that in there, you're going to stop up the toilet."

Her response is: "But Aunt TRIXIE! There is that much poop!!!"

And, indeed, my friends. There was.

I ended the dialogue here. Even though I really wanted to say: "Child. That wad of TP is bigger than your entire BUTT. Let alone the small surface area you're intending to take care of."

To be five.............

Friday, September 02, 2005

Pooped and Poopeder

I've not much left, folks. But the events of my last few days include friend from UK, freaky Atlanta gas hyped shortages, hurricane news, screwy work crap, and bachelorette party planning.

Yeah - Each alone is not much. Put them all together and they spell No Sleep.

Sleep only comes as a luxury to me anyway, I'm sure you know. Good news is - I've had so little lately, I've just fallen in bed and gotten my entitled 3-5 hours.

I've gotta get outta this place. So, I'm going to see the girls. Home. Where I sleep as if I am in a coma. Truly a scientific miracle. We need to do some sleep studies on it. Your 0 - 18 bed. Place of restfulness. To me - Just knowning Mom is within feet makes me sleep like a log.

Guess we don't need sleep studies for that. That is pretty self explanatory.

Off to bed. Off for a few days. Off to see my girls. Off on vacation. Just OFF.